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personalHTTPproxy is a full functional HTTP/1.1 compliant Open Source http proxy written in Java.

Please also checkout my new personalDNSfilter which blocks already on domain name resolution level!

personalHTTPproxy is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Current Version is 1.57.5, April 2, 2017

• It can be used for filtering ads and other unwished hosts based on a host list – Thus it is a good AdBlock alternative

• See httpproxy.conf file for information on how to configure the hosts filtering

• HTTP/HTTPS support

• Bidirectional pipelining

• Persistent connections/connection pooling

• personalHTTPproxy is preconfigured with the ad host filter lists from via this link (about 2500 entries)

• You can run it locally on your device or centrally as HTTP proxy in your network

• Tested on Raspberry Pi



In case you are interested in a very complete hosts filter, check which provides a hosts filter with about 350.000 entries including known hosts for tracking and malicious websites,
etc. Find the filter download in the download section. Select a mirror from the hosts.txt download entry.





Software DisclaimerBe aware that you use this free software at your own risk.
Zenz Solutions & ryder203 can not in any way be hold liable
for any malfunctions or data loss of third party apps, system apps
or functionalities of your operating system that may occur
while or after you are using our software on any device.The filterlists used in our free software are from third party sources.
Zenz Solutions & ryder203 can not in any way be hold liable for
any content of these filterlists, and the results of using them.personalHTTPproxy is distributed without any warranty.
See the GNU General Public License v2 for more details.



Thanks to Tobi ( who provided the app icon (initially for personalHTTPproxy 1.5.70). Thanks to,,, for providing the filter hosts sources.
Thanks to the translators: godenkoff (Russian), iRob (Italian), KcNirvana (Portuguese), ekilciler (Turkish), SatsuPT-Br (Brasilian Portuguese).